Residents and representatives from CAN-Alliance expressed serious safety concerns that continue to escalate on and around Sanctuary’s property and in George Hislop Park. Threatening behaviour, violence and harassment are affecting the mental health and wellbeing of residents and their families to the point some have sought trauma counselling for their children. Parks, Forestry, and Recreation staff expressed that their frontline staff have also experienced and been the target this behaviour, and are at risk of harm due to needles and broken glass in the flower beds and shrubbery.
Parks Ambassadors visit downtown parks at least two times per day, including George Hislop and stated that George Hislop Park is among the highest for violence out of all downtown parks. (Parks Ambassadors are a responsive, mobile crew, day-to-day works ensuring parks remain welcoming for passive and recreational use and work to resolve conflicts between patrons of the park system. Parks Ambassadors work to ensure the city's parks are accessible, equitable and safe places for all).