City Bylaw Enforcement

Bylaws help keep our neighbourhood clean and safe,
if you see an ongoing infringement

Below are most of the bylaws relevant to neighbourhood issues.  For a full list of Bylaws click here or paste this URL into your browser

To help keep Toronto clean, residents and businesses should use the City’s public kiosks and message centres for posters, paper signs and remove graffiti vandalism within 72 hours.

Bylaw Pages

WEB: Graffiti and Postering
PDF:  Property Standards Bylaw 
          Graffiti Bylaw 
          Signs Bylaw 

The Idling Control Bylaw limits idling to no more than one minute in a 60-minute period. Vehicle emissions are a contributing factor in climate change. By reducing unnecessary idling to just one minute, we are helping to improve the quality of the air in Toronto.

Bylaw Pages
WEB: Idling of Vehicles

Idling Control Bylaw

Also known as illegal dumping, it refers to leaving residential garbage on public (city boulevard, parks etc) or private property without the owner’s consent.

Bylaw Pages
Litter and Garbage
Littering and Dumping Bylaw

A landlord is responsible for providing heat to a minimum air temperature of 21 degrees Celsius from September 15 to June 1.

Bylaw Pages
Low or No Heat/Vital Services
PDF:  Heat Bylaw
           Vital Services Bylaw

Noise is prohibited at any time where it is likely to disturb others.  Exemptions to noise requirements may be obtained for construction activities and special events.

Bylaw Pages
PDF:  Noise Bylaw

Parks are shared spaces and everyone needs to be responsible and respectful of each other. The Parks Bylaw regulates the types of activities that are allowed in Toronto parks.

Bylaw Pages
PDF:  Parks Bylaw

Property standards include regulations for public and private property regarding fencing, long grass and weeds, zoning, multi-residential apartment buildings, and rooming houses.

Bylaw Pages
Property Standards
PDF:  Property Standards Bylaw

The RentSafeTO: Apartment Building Standards Program applies to all residential rental apartment buildings that are three or more storeys tall and have 10 or more apartment units.

Bylaw Pages
RentSafeTO Apartment Building Standards Program
PDF:  Apartment Building Bylaw

The City provides mechanical sidewalk snow clearing in most parts of Toronto but we are unable to provide this service in the downtown core. If you live in the downtown core where sidewalks cannot be plowed, residents and business owners are responsible for clearing the ice and snow from sidewalks adjacent to their properties within 12 hours of a snowfall.

Bylaw Pages
Snow and ice removal
PDF:  Snow and ice removal Bylaw



There are a number of bylaws related to solid waste, including the collection of garbage, collection fees and more.

Bylaw Pages
Solid Waste
PDF:   Solid Waste Fees Bylaw
            Packaging Bylaw
            Littering & Dumping Bylaw
            Residential Garbage Collection Bylaw
            Commercial Garbage Collection Bylaw
            Waste Transfer Station Bylaw
            List of Prohibited Waste Bylaw


The Street Use Bylaw has a uniform set of regulations dealing with activities that occur in the public road allowance.

Bylaw Pages
Streets and Sidewalks
PDF:   Streets Use Bylaw

Toronto Public Health enforces the Smoke Free Ontario Act (SFOA) to help reduce youth access to tobacco and protect the public from second-hand smoke.

Bylaw Pages
Tobacco Enforcement

The Water Supply Bylaw defines the roles and responsibilities of both property owners and the City in order to protect the integrity of the water supply system.

Bylaw Pages
Water Supply
PDF:  Water Supply Bylaw


Click on one of the “Title” tabs below representing the type of issue you need to report.

Important Contacts

51 Division Community Police
Staff Sergeant Todd Gowan,
Sergeant Henry Dyck,

Bylaw Enforcement
Click here to view the complete list bylaws.

City Council and Committees
meetings, agendas and minutes

University Rosedale (Ward 11)
Councillor Mike Layton,

Toronto Centre (Ward 13)
Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam,

Province | Ontario
University Rosedale (Ward 11)
Jessica Bell MPP – Link to Jessica

Toronto Centre (Ward 13)
Suze Morrison  MPP – 
Link to Suze

Canada | Ottawa

University Rosedale (Ward 11)
Chrystia Freeland MP,
University Rosedale Constituency Office
510-344 Bloor St. W., Toronto ON  M5S 3A7

Toronto Centre (Ward 13)
Bill Morneau MP,
Toronto Centre Constituency Office
430 Parliament St., Toronto ON  M5A 3A2