Together we are

Bloor to Charles, Yonge to Church.
Both residential and businesses working together
to shape the Yorkville South area.

The Alliance of Neighbours

As a group of concerned neighbours we gathered at our first meeting in November 2019, focused on safety, the meeting was set up as a town hall and acted as a jumping-off point for forming CAN-Alliance.

CAN - Alliance is a volunteer organization that represents the interests of both residential and business members. We represent the densely populated area, Bloor to the south of Charles, between Yonge to Church streets. At present, our members represent approximately 6500+ residents and numerous businesses. 

CAN-Alliance provides a centralized voice for its members and aims to be proactive on issues that impact our quality of life, security, and neighbourhood prosperity by working closely with officials in all levels of government, as well as developers and businesses. We are also focused on ensuring construction promises for our neighbourhood's streetscape and infrastructure improvements go forward, and are completed with considerations to safety, security, and the distinctive appeal of Yorkville's South Village iconic residences and boutique businesses.

Bloor & Yonge, the intersection that needs no introduction is the northern most border of our Bloor-Yorkville South neighbourhood. This small corner of Yorkville is tower-dominated with mixed-use high-rises of distinctive modern style.  Complementing the residential properties are exciting destination styled businesses that include hotels, restaurants and pubs with distinction and visionary spirit.

Iconic Membership

7 West Restaurant - 7 Charles St. W.
Anndore House (Hotel) - 15 Charles St E. (Read CN Traveller's Live the High Life)
Constantine Restaurant - 15 Charles St E. (Read Toronto Life's, What's on the menu @ Constatine )
The Crows Nest - 15 Charles St E.
The Red Door Cafe - 15 Charles St E.
The Iconic CASA Trilogy: (Read the story)
- CASA I   - 33 Charles St E
- CASA II  - 42 Charles St E
- CASA III - 50 Charles St E
Chaz Yorkville - 45 Charles St E (Read UrbanToronto's, Make a memorable first impression)
BSN, Where your Life is Live - 35 Hayden St.
Tiffany Terrace, 30 Hayden St.
One Bloor East, 1 Bloor St E. (Read "Beyond Words")
Signatures on Bloor,
55 Bloor St. E.

CAN-Alliance is networking 

There is a vast amount of common ground with our surrounding neighbourhood associations and businesses.  Our strength is in numbers.

Sister Alliance:
- GYRA, Greater Yorkville Residents Association

Friends of CAN-Alliance:
- Bumpkins Restaurant
- The Artful Dodger
- Church St Espresso Cafe
- SMITH Restaurant

- CSRA, Cabbagetown South Residents Association
- Asquith-Collier Association
- BENA, Bloor East Neighbourhood Association
- CWNA, Church Wellseley Neighbourhood Association

Contact Us

Email Board of Directors  

Chairman and Vice Chair: Security & General
Communications: Website, News email, PR
Director: Residential members (Pty Mgrs, Condo Boards)
Director: Business members 

Volunteer :
Area Revitalization:



Membership is Free

Condos & Apartments

Condo Boards or Property Managers can register a condo property as a member (includes owners & residents).
Membership is FREE submit property details (property name, address, number of units) to

Local Businesses

Business owners or management team members can register as a member. Please submit your business details (business name, owner(s), address, contact) for FREE membership.
Contact us:


From time to time we'll send out a call for volunteers who can offer a few hours a week or monthly. Currently we're looking for two skilled volunteers:
Website/Online Communications
Contact us: